Premium Dekton: Ultra Compact Countertops

Welcome to Lais Luz, your premier destination for high-end surfaces in Sarasota. We are proud to feature Dekton, an impressive ultra compact countertop surface that combines beauty with exceptional performance.

What is Dekton?

Dekton is an ultracompact surface composed of glass, porcelain, and quartz. Manufactured through a unique process at over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and with 25,000 tons of pressure, Dekton is highly dense and durable.

Process & Strength

Optimized Manufacturing Process

Dekton is created using an optimized manufacturing process. It undergoes an exclusive ultracompaction process, where it’s subjected to 25,000 tons of uniform pressure, equivalent to 2.5 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower. This intense pressure results in a highly dense material.

Horizontal rock formations, geological layers, natural stone inspiration for Dekton and Lais Luz.

Exceptional Durability

Dekton’s null porosity makes it exceptionally durable and resistant to wear and tear. This ultracompact porcelain surface is perfect for a variety of high-demand applications.

Dekton’s exclusive press generates 25 000 tons of uniform pressure (2.5 times the weight of Eiffel Tower).

Applications of Dekton

Dekton Countertops

Enhance your kitchen with Dekton countertops. Known for their durability and sleek design, Dekton surfaces provide a luxurious and functional workspace.

Dekton Shower Walls

Dekton is perfect for shower walls due to its stain resistance, as well as its hygienic properties and sleek, modern look.

Dekton Flooring

Dekton's resistance to abrasion and impact makes it an excellent choice for flooring in both residential and commercial spaces.

Dekton Outdoor Kitchens

Dekton is ideal for outdoor kitchens due to its resistance to UV rays, heat, and harsh weather conditions.

Dekton Wall Cladding

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Dekton Tables

Dekton surfaces are also excellent for tables, providing a durable and elegant solution for dining and workspaces.

Why Choose Lais Luz for Your Dekton Needs?

Lais Luz is a renowned expert in high-end surface materials, offering comprehensive consultation and installation services. With access to all major brands, including Dekton, an impressive ultra compact countertop surface that combines beauty with exceptional performance. Lais Luz provides personalized guidance to help you choose the best materials for your project.

Lais Luz, expert in Dekton and high-end surface materials, providing consultation in Sarasota.

Get in touch.

Ready to transform your space with Dekton? Contact Lais Luz today to schedule a consultation and explore our extensive range of Dekton surfaces.